A new customer recommends our interpretation services in Chile

Negocios traducciones
American political scientist at the Universidad of Concepción
4 May, 2017
Press conference carried out by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Chile
24 April, 2019
Negocios traducciones
American political scientist at the Universidad of Concepción
4 May, 2017
Press conference carried out by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Chile
24 April, 2019

This post is also available in: Español

“We at Fundación Para la Confianza feel glad to have had the interpretation services of SOS IDIOMAS; they are a work team with a special charm, professionalism and much kindness. From the very first moment they showed genuine interest in supporting us and made an effort to be present at our event, which was a key factor for its success”. Verónica, coordinator at Foundation Para la Confianza.


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