American political scientist at the Universidad of Concepción

Negocios traducciones
American researcher offers talk to open academic year
4 May, 2017
A new customer recommends our interpretation services in Chile
7 March, 2018
Negocios traducciones
American researcher offers talk to open academic year
4 May, 2017
A new customer recommends our interpretation services in Chile
7 March, 2018

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Jeniffer Nedelsky, American political scientist and Professor of the University of Toronto in Canadá offered a talk on entitled ,,New perspective of fundamental human rights and constitutionalism”. In it, Dr. Nedelksy thoroughly went through one chapter of her book ,,Book Relations” to address the importance of relationships to people or to situations to fully understand the essence of fundamental human rights.

Gonzalo Serce did a consecutive interpretation for around one and a half hour for Dr. Nedelsky. It required a lot of concentration and much previous research (especially terminological preparation). His accurate interpretation and nice pace were much appreciated by Dr. Nedelsky and the audience. We are very glad we could be interpreting there!

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